Thanks Apognophos!
I actually have no idea what the rules are about using JW art. I have tried to only take still images from JW videos, for the purpose of commentary and/or critiscim. I feel like that ought to be allowed, even if it isn't technically…
As for the creative "days": The way I always understood it, JWs base the length of the six days on how long they want/need day seven to be. If the "end" is imminent, day seven must be very close to 7000 years. What's your take on that?
Also, they have stated in very recent literature that each "day" was "thousands" of years long. That would be the most limiting definition thay have commited to, and therefore the one they should be held to (I think...). If they really mean millions, or "thousands of thousands", they have neither said that nor indicated it in any way. They even hedge thier bets on the "thousands" of years, usually saying "may have” or “could have". That is why, I belive, they always clearly differentiate between the millions/billions of years before creation and the "days" of creation.
I think they're deliberatly trying to obfuscate thier true belifes. Due to your prompting, however, I will do some more research!